Welcome to Mhlengi City church

We live to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ fill and shape the city of Johannesburg.

for the redemption of every area of life as we make Jesus Known, Enjoyed and Exalted.
The Gospel Redeems all of life for true Life.

Making Jesus Known, Enjoyed and Exalted in the heart of Johannesburg.

The Gospel Redeems all of life for true Life.

Know Jesus

A community centred and saturated around the truth of the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and return of Jesus Christ, affirming Him as Lord and Saviour as we engage the Word.

Enjoy Jesus

A community immersed in the day-to-day fellowship with Jesus in devotion to Him and each other. Enjoying God is to know God intellectually, to admire God in his beauty, to delight in him emotionally, and to dedicate yourself to him.

Exalt Jesus

A community devoted to good works that lead to worship and praise of Jesus.

ON Mission

Launching 2025

We trusting God to do what no man can do; redeem mankind to himself by the power of his gospel.

God is at work in our city and Mhlengi City Church is an expression that seeks to join God in his redeeming work.

We're inviting you to do the same

Our distinctives


Gospel centrality

In the life of the Church the Story of Jesus Christ is to be the thread of our gathered worship and gatherings.


Gracious in community

We open our homes and lives to one another as we make much of Jesus and his daily grace in both mutual discipleship and as well as the gracious welcoming of the De-Churched.


Going and making disciples

We want to be a Gospel shaped Church that gives our lives to Jesus and His Mission starting in our homes, places of productivity and leisure to the rest of the world.


Generous to the city

To contribute to the life of the city in ways that celebrate its beauty and restore from its brokenness.


Gospel rest

We want to emphasis a rhythm of Resting in the finished work of Christ in a high-performance culture.

Here is how you can get involved

In the metro of 5.4 million people there is a great need for wholeness; for the redemptive story of the redeemer to shape lives. For the life giving gospel of God to change lives and reorientate them toward gospel mission.

Join us on God's Mission!


Pray earnestly


Participate meaningfully


Partner generously